She made some tarts,
All on a summer's day;
The Knave of Hearts
He stole those tarts,
And took them clean away.
The King of Hearts
Called for the tarts,
And beat the knave full sore;
The Knave of Hearts
Brought back the tarts,
And vowed he'd steal no more."
This nursery rhyme reminds me of my Nan....I remember her singing this when I helped her bake jam tarts.She was one of those traditional Nan's that loved nothing more than her family, and to cook and care for them. She always had a cake or bake in readiness for a friend that may drop by, a few of whatever was in season from the garden to share, oh and at tea time she would put out a well good know I always found it fascinating how she held bread under her arm and cut off the slices. I have mentioned this to many friends and it seems it was a very popular granny thing to do :) In some ways I have inherited some of her traits, especially baking....but I don't cut bread from under my arm!!! Maybe when I am a Granny then I will start doing that!!! he he
I block of shortcrust pastry...or make your ownStrawberry jam
6oz sponge mix
whipped double cream
chocolate sticks and fresh strawberries to decorate
runny icing
Little sugar hearts
Heat oven to 180c (fan oven)
Grease a bun tin. Roll out pastry and cut out 12 rounds. Carefully put into each little space and then place a square of baking paper in each case, then fill with baking beans. Bake blind until cooked. Place on a wire rack to cool
Line a swiss roll tin and make a 6oz mix of sponge, bake until golden and risen, cool on a rack
Fill each little pastry case with strawberry jam, and fill with some cream.
Cut small heart shapes from the sponge, ice and decorate with little hearts.
Place 2 slices of strawberries so they sit upright in cases, add sponge topper, and 2 chocolate sticks....and there you have it...jam tarts with a twist!! Enjoy.....mmmmmm
Be great if you are having a party for the Queens Diamond Jubilee.....
I had some pastry cases and sponge left over so I put together some more tarts , and made little jam and cream sponge slices for my Nutty Knitter Ladies. We are a group who meet to sip tea, eat cake and chat ...and well knitting is secondary!!! I don't eat cake but seems these tasters enjoyed them too :)
Send me some pics if you do get round to a to see them :)
Hugs4 smiles
M xxx
In 1805 Lewis Carroll published 'Alice in Wonderland', where the Queen of Hearts was famous for the saying "Off with their heads!" when she was annoyed with her servants.In more recent history the term "The Queen of Hearts" was used by Princess Diana during her famous interview with Martin Bashir, when she stated her preference to the title "The Queen of Hearts" to that of Queen of England.
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